Our hair transplant specialists
At Sospitas, we have a world-class team of hair transplant specialists, technicians, and surgeons. Working through a unique partnership of academic medicine, private industry, and the society we are here to serve you. Our hair transplant specialists are committed. This all for the preservation, enhancement, and restoration of your hair.

Our Plastic surgeon, Op. Dr. Mert Demirel
Hair transplant specialists and surgeon Mert Demirel was born in Ankara. In 1978 he completed his education at the TED Ankara Private Primary School and Ankara Atatürk Anatolian High School.
He studied medicine at the Medical Faculty of the Ankara University where he also completed his residency. During his residency, Dr. Demirel visited the Zurich University for Microsurgery education. He received several awards for his outstanding work and teaches classes at the Istanbul University. As a result doctor Demirel specialized in the field of Aesthetic Surgery and Hair Transplant / Hair restoration. He is one of our outstanding hair transplant specialists.
Dr. Demirel worked for several well-known hospitals in Istanbul, among them are Estethica, Bogazici Aesthetic Center and The Lokman Physician Hospital. He now works from his own office and makes so his operations for Sospitas. While achieving outstanding results with hair related surgeries he is also excellent in many other aesthetic operations like Rhinoplasty, Facelift, Liposuction and Breast lifts.

Our Hair Specialist, Oya Sisman
One of our hair transplant specialists is Oya Sisman, she has many years of experience in hair transplantation. She worked for and with several top plastic surgeons from which she learned different hair transplantation techniques. As a result, she performed over the years more than 2800 FUE hair transplantations. Oya Sisman is well known both domestic as well as abroad. She performed hair transplantations on several Arabic royal family members with excellent results! Next to her hair transplantation skills, she is also a mother of 1 son and he speaks very good English. Consequently, she communicates easily with her patients and colleagues.