UK Hair Transplant Consultation
Want a UK Hair Transplant Consultation? The partner for Sospitas in England is Labs Clinic® in Northampton. Hair transplant consultations in the UK are done by Labs Clinic® which is very convenient for our UK customers. Not only are they very discreet, they are laid back and informal so you’ll be welcomed into a relaxed environment from the outset. The professionalism is a given so the results speak for themselves. Labs clinic® receives clients from all over the country and have great experience in aesthetic procedures and UK Hair Transplant Consultation
Their client list includes Celebrities, Fashion Models, and TV Presenters.

We invite you for an informal, no-obligation consultation in which they can tell you about the procedures. In addition, can they tell you about the number of grafts and the treatment itself. Mr. Lee Andrew, the Director, had his hair transplant in December 2014 in our hospital in Istanbul. Therefore you can ask him first hand his experience and see his result. Lee Andrew will show you his whole journey, before, during and after photographs. You can learn why he chose to fly to Turkey for this procedure, and subsequently then become a consultant for UK based clientele.
UK Hair Transplant Consultation
A successful hair transplant process begins with a thorough examination by a specialist plastic surgeon. So it is important that the patient has realistic expectations. During one hair transplantation session, the team can place approximately 4000 grafts, probably a total of 10,000-12,000 hairs.
Your Journey starts with a free consultation with the director Lee Andrew. He personally had this successful treatment. So please fill out our contact form and request a call back in order to make an appointment.
Finally, Labs clinic® is in a discreet location located in the easy to reach Spencer Parade. Inside the Willow Tree Clinic, 4 Spencer Parade, Northampton, NN1 5AA. Literally 10 minutes from Junction 15 of the M1. Look below to view the location map.